Oil and Gas : Markets, Trading, Pricing, and Economic Framework

A complete understanding of the physical and financial markets for crude oil and petroleum products

Course Summary

Dear student,

Welcome to this online course on Oil & Gas.

This training course is designed to provide you with a complete understanding of the physical and financial markets for crude oil and petroleum products.
It is geared towards all personnel in the petroleum or associated industries needing to improve their knowledge and understanding of crude oil and petroleum products trading and pricing mechanisms.

The course uses up-to-date global statistics and is organized into 3 parts :


  • - What is the value of a crude oil ?
  • - Different types of contracts :
    • - Long term
    • - Spot
    • - Forward
  • - Main oil markets and their features
  • - Key benchmark crudes
  • - The role of the Price Reporting Agencies (PRAs)
  • - Links between Trading and Shipping
  • - Products trading
  • - Main provisions of a sale/purchase contract
  • - The concept of volatility
  • - Definition of contract for crude oil and petroleum products
  • - Exchanges and their organization :
    • - NYMEX
    • - ICE
  • - Main Futures Markets
  • - Hedging principles
  • - Hedging imperfections and associated risks
  • - Market structure
    • - Contango
    • - Backwardation
  • - Options : principles, basics and characteristics
  • - Interests and limits of options
  • - Swaps : principles, basics and characteristics
  • - Interests and limits of swaps

Course Objectives

  • - Review the different oil trading markets by type of transaction
  • - Summarize the operation of the physical and financial oil markets
  • - Review the different types of contracts: long term, spot and forward
  • - Understand how crude oil and petroleum products are traded
  • - Understand the pricing mechanism of crude oil and petroleum products
  • - Analyze the parameters which influence prices of crude oil and prices of petroleum products
  • - Review the different exchanges and their organization: the cases of NYMEX and ICE
  • - Comprehend hedging techniques available for protection against fluctuations in prices
  • - Understand the principle of financial derivative products like Swaps and Options


- Beginner, Intermediate

Target Audience

  • - All personnel in the petroleum or associated industries needing to improve their knowledge and understanding of crude oil and petroleum products trading and pricing mechanisms
  • - Energy industry journalists and reporters
  • - Business men and financiers
  • - Traders & Brokers

Course Curriculum

WR Training

WR Training is a group of professional engineers from various disciplines (chemical, petrochemical, mechanical, electrical…) providing academic and industrial online courses.

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The courses, you are about to enroll in, were undertaken to give you a clear view of scientific and engineering topics through detailed examples using hands on demo and provide numerous problems with their solutions. You can also use these courses as a review for taking exams or as a vehicle for self-instruction.

Our training methodology was designed to enable individual self paced e-learning.

Each course has been undertaken to teach a specific skill.

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So with no further ado, go ahead, select the course suitable for you, click the enroll button and we'll see you in the first section !

WR Training

Spread the wings of your knowledge

Judy Stewart

Great course, many concepts are well explained and illustrated. I really like the quality of the graphics

Peter Leblanc

This is my 2nd course with this instructor and he didn't disappoint ! Another excellent course nicely constructed with valuable information about Oil & Gas. I really appreciate the high quality of the slides, graphics and animations. The various examples used throughout the course help in clarifying many concepts that were not clear for me. Now I understand the role of marker crudes and how oil is priced on international markets.
Thanks for this wonderful course.

Nancy Kramer

Excellent tutorial, the concepts are clearly explained ! I feel more comfortable in understanding this special field after completing this course. I really liked the graphics and the quality of the presentation. The way complex financial derivatives were explained through very simple examples is just superb !!!

Madhura M

Wonderful !

Course Pricing


$29.99 USD

  • Markets, Pricing, Trading...

    • 2 hours on-demand video
    • Full lifetime access
    • Access on mobile and TV
    • Certificate of Completion
    • 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee
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